Subscriber Offer

Price with Clarity and Confidence

Join our small group hands-on workshop on Thursday, 12 December, 12pm – 1pm AEDT. This workshop is designed to help you confidently price your work based on the value you deliver.

Using the Pricing Lean Canvas* framework, this workshop will empower you to reflect on your business and uncover your unique value.

What you’ll get from this Workshop:

  • A 1-page pricing value strategy for your business.
  • Gain clarity on how you uniquely add value to your clients.
  • Reflect on your business as a whole and how pricing fits into it.
  • Pricing insights specific to your business from Anna Lamb, Pricing Strategist who has over 20 years pricing experience.

Why is this Workshop Different?

  • Hands on learning
  • Limited class size of 5 (five) people

Register now for $249 AUD per person.

Use the code SUBSCRIBER to get 20% off.

Limited to 5 spots only!

*Lean Canvas was designed by Ash Maurya, based on the Business Model Canvas designed by Alex Osterwalder,

OWN your pricing program

Own your pricing strategy with our comprehensive one-on-one program where we work with you to confidently explain to yourself and your clients, the value of your work and why you price the way you do.

We work with you to provide confidence in your business viability by ensuring your income is in balance with your costs and your time.

We also work with you to ensure that your pricing is not set and forget and that your pricing grows when you grow.

pricing clarity program

This one-on-one program gets you focussed on clarity and confidence in quoting your pricing, ensuring that it’s well considered and not about you as an individual, but rather the work that you do.

See your impact (to your clients) written down in words and numbers. Numbers that won’t change if you are having a bad day. 

So that even your pricing can uplift you.

pick my pricing brain

Need something short and sharp to help you gain some quick pricing wins?

Tap into Anna Lamb’s over 20 years pricing experience and get pricing advice specifically tailored to your business.